
Last week Saturday morning, I stepped out to the garden to do maybe forty-five minutes’ worth of much needed pruning. Sometime late in the afternoon saw me finish. Things just got way out of hand. More and more tools were assembled:

trimming tools

…there was much in the way of climbing of ladders and parts of the roof, and I’ve now got about three huge piles of stuff to deal with -here’s one:


…and one tiny garden waste bin that the city to picks up (I cannot compost much of this) each week. At that rate, cleanup will take about a month or so… By then, half the stuff will have grown back.

It’s all in a good cause though. It is what ensures that I can share all those photos of roses with you. Without the pruning work I did on the fig tree last year in reshaping and retraining it, it would not have grown to produce the marvellous supply of figs I had this Summer, and I’d have never had that wonderful fig jam I told you about. (See some links below…more in the archives.)


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