Saturday Morning Fun

During the course of a coffee break during Saturday’s all day conference in Cambridge, I looked out of the window to an intriguing sight:

saturday cambridge fun

(Click for larger.) They were doing needlework of some sort, and it looked like a lot of fun. They were happy to let the strange man (uh… me) take the photograph he asked for. Little did I know that one of them -Richard- actually reads blogs about science including this very blog and wrote in and asked if I was that particular photographer! Small world!

I learned from Richard that they were bobbin lace-making, as part of the Cambridge University Bobbin Lacemaking Club (quite obviously!), mostly learning about how to make a lace snake (link to an image here). Their website is here, although I’m told it needs updating. It does have a nice little picture gallery of some lace though. I’d love to spend a Saturday learning how to make one of these! Oh where does the time all go to?


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3 Responses to Saturday Morning Fun

  1. Alejandro Rivero says:

    It is now four days after the knitting week, and there is still a girl in the History of Math class knitting a scarf. Very crafties, these Cambridge students.

  2. spyder says:

    Reminds me of my own children’s Waldorf education. The world certainly could use more young humans working on lace snakes that World of Warcraft.

  3. JZ says:

    Is it great to be young? You can do whatever you want to do and be what ever you want to be. Thanks for the picture, it is so lovely.