D-Branes in Paperback!

Look what arrived the other day!

paperback d-branes

More later….

[Update: There was never meant to be a paperback. They told me this. The reason was that since I’d brow-beaten CUP into dropping the price of the hardcover to a level that students could afford (you’d be surprised how hard it was to convince them to consider this – I think that for their ideal business model, they’d rather just sell really expensive books to libraries and be done with it), they declared that there’d be no point doing a paperback since the price was already so low. I was happy with that, since I prefer the look of the hardback anyway. But then last year, I was told that they were thinking of making the book part of their new “print to order” scheme, and not have any more hardcovers in stock. Print to order is softcover only. Well, I was not really paying attention, it seems, (frankly, they keep changing their minds on policy every time they change personnel, so I get confused) and the conversation must have moved on, since earlier in the Summer I was told that they are printing a softcover edition. I don’t know how much it costs, but I’m fairly sure that now instead of buying me a half cup of coffee every time you buy one (I’m talking lousy, cooked, roadside gas-station coffee out in the desert, not trendy skinny-mocha-choca-whateverino), you’ll be buying me one of the little sachets of sugar that you put into the lousy coffee to hide the taste.

Six copies arrived for me last week. It looks great! Yay!]


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18 Responses to D-Branes in Paperback!

  1. Pingback: Hideouts at Asymptotia

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  7. Arun says:

    What are the pre-reqs for reading the book?

  8. Clifford says:

    Oh yeah… how about that…. Thanks Sara T.!

    Stevem:- Get the author to sign one. That usually is the best way. Contact author directly and we can figure it out.


  9. Sara T. says:

    D-Branes is also an E-Book!
    In the ebrary collection. USC subscription direct url follows

  10. Stevem says:

    Clifford, they look great. (Almost looks like Physical Review D in that pic.) Now I just wait until I can get one for under a fiver at “new and used” at Amazon:) Seriously, it looks a beautiful book and I have been meaning to get it but the hardback was a bit expensive and my money always seems to be needed elsewhere, or else a bill comes in or something. The table of contents, sample pages and reviews I’ve seen convince me it is well worth a place on the bookshelf.

    I am of the opinion that physicists and mathematicians in other fields (or those working on alternatives) should at least read some of the string texts for “mental bodybuilding” and learn about some of the ideas and techniques, even if they do not believe whether string theory can ultimately be connected to the real universe and experiment. I remain undecided personally at this point but find a lot of it very tantalising and worth learning about for its own sake and from a scholarship perspective nonetheless. I can also see why people can get really hooked on it.

    Incidently, how does one get a signed copy?:)

  11. Anonymous says:

    Hi Clifford,

    The last time I read reviews on Amazon.com, many commentators said the book had many typos; so I thought I’d wait till most of the typos were fixed before purchasing.

    When, therefore, do you think you will have a new edition out?

    p.s. I know this kinda’ sounds a wee-bit like asking for free handouts but how’s about giving some of your e-pals 🙂 some complimentary copies… 🙂 🙂 … (at your sole discretion of-course).

  12. astromcnaught says:

    That looks fantastic.
    How many people around the world would be able to understand the contents do you think?

    Certainly Print on Demand publishing has become very popular, especially with unknowns who write children’s books. If one examines publisher’s websites, the advice for unsolicited manuscripts in that area is, well, how shall I say, No Thanks.

    I’ve been eyeing up Lulu.com as an avenue for my own modest endeavours. Last count there were nearly 3,000 self published children’s works. Fantastic. Nearly all beautifully illustrated and presented.

    Finally, you seem to be in danger of aquiring ‘blogger’s elbow’, or somesuch, along with Sean on CosmicVariance. My suggestion is to take up Online Poker. The rough and tumble of Texas Hold’em will overwhelm most other desires. “…Just another thouand dollars, I’m bound to win the next hand…”

    But please don’t. Continue blogging I say.

    regards, astromcnaught

  13. Clifford says:

    That may well be a component of any future string book I write…… but somehow I just have. to. stop. blogging. first.


  14. Moshe says:

    Yes! time for volume 4…actually matrix models and non-critical strings (including the next generation…) could use some textbook level exposition. I am sure all you need now is a brand new project like that…

  15. Clifford says:

    Right. You must be in league with my publisher, who asks me from time to time for another volume. Hmmm……


  16. Elliot says:

    Ah Clifford. I think I’ll leave the song as is, and wait for the “full” story to emerge from the science which may get you up to 1000 pages at some point in the future.:)


  17. Clifford says:

    Lovely song…. Can you rework it with the number 548? 🙂


  18. Elliot says:

    It’s a thousand pages, give or take a few,
    I’ll be writing more in a week or two.
    I can make it longer if you like the style,
    I can change it round and I want to be a paperback writer,
    Paperback writer.

    “Paperback Writer” The Beatles.