When Life Hands You…

When life hands you tomatoes, red onions, a little bit of garlic, ginger, some cardamom pods, brown sugar, red wine vinegar, and a pinch of paprika… make chutney! (It’s about as easy as lemonade, actually.)


Oddly, a carmello tomato plant that had been struggling a bit during the Summer took rather well to the late Fall and Winter months, loved the rain, and kept producing more and more tomatoes. They were all green on the plant for a long while, and then we had a return to some long stretches of sun that perked it up and made it finish with a huge bounty of red fruit. You’re seeing about a 1/3 of them in the picture. Lots of them had a rusty finish and tougher skin due to the long tree life, but were delicious inside and perfect for preserving. First time I’ve made Chutney this time of year! Quantities? I scaled up and modified this recipe a bit, in case you’re wondering.



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39 Responses to When Life Hands You…

  1. Mark Peifer says:

    Yum. When’s dinner?