All My Loving…

On the Red Line on Saturday (on my way to test out the Expo line – see earlier post) there was an unusual spectacle in one of the carriages. This woman had some headphones halfway on, and was singing Beatles songs at the top of her voice! She was at the start of “All My Loving” when I got on (I’ve written some of the lyrics down to remind me of the moment). After their initial surprise, people were doing that typical “I don’t see anything unusual” look, trying not to notice her by looking everywhere but in her direction.

I imagine they thought she was crazy. Perhaps she was, or perhaps she was just having an odd day, but for sure she was also just enjoying herself immensely, not caring what those around her thought of her singing.

Since she seemed so happy to draw attention to herself, I felt I had permission to have a good look and draw her a bit… so this is my quick sketch of the moment. I wish I’d had a bit more time to get more into the sketch, but there it is.

However odd her behaviour, I love that as a result of that encounter on the subway I’ve had Beatles songs stuck in my head for days after…


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2 Responses to All My Loving…

  1. Clifford says:



  2. Amy says:

    I think I know that woman. No joke. The drawing looks exactly like her, and she is indeed the kind of person who would sing loudly on a train just because she feels like it.