Downtown Quantum Mechanics

Oddly today I had a meeting in a skyscraper in downtown LA that I’d been studying last year because I was doing a drawing of it for The Project. Funny old world. I really enjoyed being in it because from the meeting room one can view the classic public library building, a favorite of mine, from the 41st floor, and also check out the scene in the Standard rooftop bar (been a while since I’ve hung out there).

But the most unexpected thing of all was when I returned to ground level. I was walking on my way to the subway and slowed to enjoy a view of the public library, only to be faced with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle in two forms, Schrodinger’s equation, and an atomic spectrum (Rydberg, Bohr, etc) that one can derive from the latter, engraved into the wall! Hurrah!

The thing is, I can’t remember whether I’ve seen this before. I’ve passed there so very many times, that I must have noticed it before, no? Hmmmm…

(Apparently it is part of a piece in the Maguire Gardens called Spine, by Jud Fine. More information here.)


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One Response to Downtown Quantum Mechanics

  1. robert says:

    There is an issue of artistic licence with the brackets in Schroedinger’s equation; such pedantry (and a hat tip to Botticelli’s Venus, whose left arm might not have been disproportionate had she been a gibbon) put to one side it’s good to see something other than Ee equals emcee squared representing the second culture