Catching Up

Apologies for the long gap in posting, but I’ve been somewhat distracted by other things related to the subject of the previous post. Thanks to everyone who posted their good wishes in the comments, or sent me emails and texts, or called on the phone. I have not responded to everyone individually, and I’m sorry about that. I hope to do so in time.

I’m in the UK now, having cancelled other plans for the week and hopped on a plane some days ago. Weekend time involved mostly visits from old family friends, arriving with condolences and good wishes. We sat with them and talked mostly about random things, in a pleasant sort of way, occasionally doing collective visits to the past, mostly centered on a beautiful island thousands of miles away. (Montserrat. Home of a relatively newly active volcano, as you may recall from earlier posts.) 

Now that it is a business day again, there’ll be lots of to-ing and fro-ing concerning various arrangements, announcements and so forth. A number of family friends have pitched in to help, making everything much easier for all. 


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