Stormy Weather

rain_fullWe’ve been having wonderful storms here the last few days, and it is expected that it will remain like this through Sunday. It has been great. There’s something wonderful to me about torrential rain pouring down outside through the day while I’m inside working, glancing out of the windows from time to time, and making endless cups of tea. In the afternoon there usually is a break in it all. The sky clears a little, maybe the sun even comes out, and I go for a walk in a long coat, with umbrella, to take the air and clear my head. Night falls early, I eventually get home, and the rain begins again sometime later. If not immediately, then sometime during the night I awake to hear it: The lovely rhythm of rain on the roof, the trickle of water in the gutters, the splashing as some accumulation falls from some great height onto the ground somewhere nearby.


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3 Responses to Stormy Weather

  1. I love a proper storm! Reminds me of being in the tropics with my family, in candlelight (sometimes), playing wordgames, or reading out loud to each other, or just curled up with coffee, or eating a delicious juicy mango. On the rare occasions I get a proper storm in England, I go up to my garret bedroom with a cuppa, where I can hear the rain better, and where I have skylights, and read. Just perfect.


  2. Clifford says:

    Love the coincidence, and happy to learn you’re reading! Yes, I wish we had real thunderstorms here more often… they are very infrequent.


  3. Heather says:

    No kidding – the Joni Mitchell song Stormy Weather was playing on Pandora when I scrolled across this post in my reader. A totally random coincidence.

    I too love storms. I grew up in S. Florida, where you can set your clock by the afternoon thundershowers. As I’ve moved farther north, they come less frequently; but as often as possible, I’m on a porch somewhere listening to the water come down. 🙂