Forward Looking

optometerySo, do you like it? My new glasses. Think it’s a good look for me? Sort of gadgeteer-scientist extreme. With this I get all the different optical instrumentation combinations I need in one nifty device. Long distance viewing for seeing whether my bus is coming from a long way away, lenses for extreme closeup work in the workshop, night vision, the works…Neat, no?

Ok, I’m being silly. I went to the optometrist today after a bit of a long period between tests, and I always find it an interesting experience. I’m not sure why, but it is probably related to all the physics (optics, particularly) that lurks throughout the whole business, along with my curiosity about what new tests will have been added to the range of tests they perform on one’s eyes, what updates to the equipment will have been made, etc. I like that the primary device for testing (pictured), while very state of the art, still retains a very old-fashioned look to it which I rather like.

Anyway, this is a short (and maybe typo-ridden) post since my close vision is super-blurred due to having had my irises super-dilated in order for a complete examination of my retinas to be performed… (This fits nicely with your intuition about low f-numbers and reduced depth of field, right? From photography (assuming you’ve switched to manual from time to time on your camera)? Same business…)


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2 Responses to Forward Looking

  1. Clifford says:

    I loved a good exam or test in the olden days, and as this is one I can score well on – it is *my* vision I am responding about – I tend to go the other way and feel pleased when I “get” everything narrowing down to the right lens “yes definitely 8 over 7” or seeing all the fuzzy blobs in the peripheral vision test. If she’d said I’d missed one I’d have been wondering which one I missed and why… Maybe she knows this and so lies to keep me happy…


  2. I always find it fascinating having my vision checked too, and I’m totally with you on the gadgeteer-scientist extreme look. But…and maybe this is just me…but there’s always a part of me that gets a tiny wee bit nervous when they’re checking my myopia. You know the bit where they try you with two lenses one after the other and you have to say which one is better? I have a recurring vision of the optometrist saying “Hah! That’s the wrong answer!” Totally not going to happen, but still. (Primordial fear of tests, anyone?)
