Silence is the Enemy

rape_by_slytherin_princeSheril Kirshenbaum at the Intersection has spearheaded a campaign by a coalition of bloggers to raise awareness and promote and coordinate action on the matter of rape worldwide. Particularly the institutionalized and mass rapes that take place in various parts of the world. She writes very well about the matter in her first blog post on the issue and I recommend that you have a careful read of it. Note that just your clicking on the link and going over there to read helps, since all revenue from her blog traffic this month will be donated to Doctors without Borders, an organization that has tracked this issue for some time. There’s also a New York Times article by Nicholas Kristof from a few weeks ago that is worth reading. She points to it in her post too.

Do please take some time out to visit her site, and do tell others about it via word of mouth, letter, email, facebook, twittering…


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