LHC Report

I don’t know if you read the report (released on the 15th October) about the damage to the LHC that occurred during the “September 19th incident”. Just in case, it is in pdf format here. The upshot is that there’s a lot of work to do. There are of course going to be delays to the schedule, and we’ll have to wait a bit longer for new physics. It is frustrating, but it’s certainly worth getting everything working right on this unique and wonderful machine and let it take as long as it needs to.

The physics will be worth the wait, I’m sure.


(via Resonaances.)

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3 Responses to LHC Report

  1. Pingback: LHC Update at Asymptotia

  2. Kortney says:

    First, I say, “Thank you” for your time and dedication to providing a thought provoking and insightful ( as well as humorous) account of the life of a physicist. It has been my great delight this week to find this wonderful gem in the universe. With so many years of your blogging already passed, I look forward to many hours of reading enjoyment. (I have read and re-read my books and notes, and temporarily exhausted my interest in online research, so this timing is precise in my discovery) Ahhh new material!

    The reason for my response to this particular blog however is to make mention of my great interest and following of the LHC, and then disappointment in it’s premature breakdown.
    But one thing I find puzzling is the lack of mention by American news sources, that which was broadcast in the Greek news…
    News in Greece immediately following the LHC breakdown, reported that there was a computer ‘security breach’. That some hackers claiming to not be ‘hostile’ broke into the computer programs and disabled some programs. Not to ’cause them any harm’ , they said, but rather to ‘prove that they could do it and to alert the scientists to restructure their security process’. ( Now I have forgotten which country these hackers were said to be from, according to my friend in Greece, the news stated it would take a couple of months for the science team to reprogram the security watch and they would then proceed with the experiments.)
    I question why American news did not report this same information? Or maybe it did and I just missed it that day. ??
    If anyone happens to have some relevant knowledge on this, I would be interested in your input. Gracias ~

  3. For an interesting theory proving that the Large Hadron Collider will destroy the earth, derived from solving Fermi’s Paradox, look here
    Okay, maybe more science fiction than science, but an interesting read nonetheless.