Welcome Invasion

paraphenalia for discussion magnetism

“Invasion” in the sense of something that took me away from my regular time usage, I should say. I just spent an interesting period of time this morning viewing a pilot for a new TV show. It has a large science component, and will be on one or other of the Discovery Network’s channels. I appear in it (talking mostly about magnetism), and I blogged about some of the filming of it here.

I have to say it was a pleasure to spend a bit of time looking at the (nearly) finished product and commenting here and there on the script and so forth. The concept of the show is really good, and they manage to carry it out with humour while still getting across some solid science. I ought not to go into the details just yet, since I do not have permission to disclose anything really, but suffice it to say that it contrasts science fact and science fiction in a fun way, going to the lab to try out various things (hence me in the lab playing with magnets and so forth).

Fingers crossed for luck – hope that Discovery green lights a whole series and it ought to be really fun and informative!


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