
Sorry, but it is just funny to me. There’s a history here, which adds to the humour. Start with the description by captain Todd Rogers:

“Vera walked down the aisle and used the pad of papers she was holding in her hands to kind of — the term I use is ‘bip,’ you know, when kids bip each other? — anyway, to strike Jan Schaefer. It wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t a light brush to the hair. It was an actual strike.”

The video:

The video is better on this site, where you have a wider view, and from where I got the quotes. You can also read more from that article about the back story and the political matters the council meeting was about.

The best thing is the scream and roll on the floor. Worthy of any good Italian world cup footballer:

“It was a little peck,” said Robert Lesley, another recall supporter. “And then she rolls out on the floor. And I just said, ‘Oh man, here we go.’ “


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One Response to Bip

  1. Carl Brannen says:

    That was 3rd degree assault followed by ham acting.

    At our warehouse we had to fire a guy who we will call “the angry Greek”. Starting a fight was a bit much, but within bounds, blue collar types tend to do that. The problem was that after getting fairly beaten down, he asked for a rematch.