Pause for a Pint of Guinness

guinness Well, it was only yesterday that I was telling the physics 100 class all about Special Relativity (lots of incredulous looks…. lots of reassurances, including: “You’re confused? That’s ok! It is one of the greatest pieces of science of the 20th Century… It’s not supposed to be trivial….”), but it seems like an age ago, and very distant. That’s because I’m in Dublin today. (Pesky wormholes.)

Just for a few days.

Guinness will be involved, I imagine (yeah!), although it will not be the primary focus. (The pint in the photo to the right is from a previous trip.)

I hope to have at least half a day to walk around in the rain. I miss that.

More later.


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2 Responses to Pause for a Pint of Guinness

  1. spyder says:

    I stopped drinking 16 years ago, but right now, that pint of beautiful full-headed stout looks as good as anything i have seen in a long while. I can even remember the taste. Thanks for the visage and the correlative theory.

  2. I thought the primary focus for Guinness is to make the primary focus less focused.